Po Chan

Po Chan

Talking therapy is a space for selfcare and growth. It's a step towards selflove & self-worth.

In an ideal world, everyone should have someone that they can talk to. But not everyones world is ideal and sometimes, talking to someone you know may be difficult, or even problematic. So maybe I can help. Therapy comes in many forms and my therapy with you is empathic and enlightening, through exploratory talking. The therapeutic relationship is unique and tailored to your needs. What we learn from each other, creates a vibration that is echoed to explore and develop.

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About me and my practice

I am a qualified psychodynamic counsellor. Psychodynamic psychotherapy is a form of psychology a view of the mind in terms of different psychic systems.
A Chinese proverb says Three-year-olds set to eightythis means the patterns youve learnt before the age of three are prefixed till youre eighty. And this is part of the psychodynamic theory past experiences being in the present moment. Although along the way, one would pick up other attachments and suggestions, stored in another system, so there will be other knowledge set in the ego.
But fundamentally what we have learnt and felt as a child, is stored deep-wired into the unconscious so its unavailable to the conscious mind an imprint on our hard drive. Therefore, at times, we dont know why we react the way we react, or why we feel the way we feel, but we can feel it because what is wired together, fires together.
Entering counselling can be daunting for one person but exciting for another. Its a personal perspective and response. Each client will bring their own experience and every experience is unique to the individual. The counselling space is non-judgemental and provides a safe haven to explore all your thoughts and feelings. It is profoundly true that when a person, can grow as a result of learning from the inner capacities of another, that other is also deeply affected. Through interactions, I have seen many lightbulb moments in the room and its these insights that develop and prepare us for change. Psychoanalysis Margot Waddell said, Those who can trust us, educate us. The counselling space is trusted and confidential.


I have experience with cultural and societal differences, anxiety, abuse, trauma, loss and relationship issues. My work has shown:
differences could be what you believe is not how it is perceived
how you feel internally is not how you are externally
gender and race inequality arise from biology, psychology and cultural norms but can feel unfair
anxiety can be incorporated into everyday life or everyday struggle
anxious feelings can be felt without known reasons
abuse is either misuse (substance) or mistreatment (person), either to oneself (self-harm) or to another
trauma involves an overwhelming event or an accumulation of events that exceeds ones abilities to cope and continue
bereavement, miscarriage, abortion, separation and divorce are all losses that affect the mind in different ways
there are four types of relationships: family, friends, acquaintances and romantic conflicts are unavoidable but if aspects are compromised, then problems will surface that would affect the relationship and the self.
If any of the above, resonates with you then I can help. I understand that all our experiences are different. The community, society, culture, and family dynamics and traits, can all play a part in how we feel and how we react. Just being anxious alone can mean being scared, helpless, insecure, embarrassed, and/or even weak. Whatever it is, talking can help. My knowledge is broad, and my thoughts can reach the horizon. I like using metaphors too.
I have a strong belief in self-worth. I have a strong desire to reach for perfection, but I also consider that imperfections can be perfect too. My wealth of experiences has given me compassion and the capacity to help you to overcome your difficulties. I can help you work towards strong groundings through self-discovery and self-love.

Additional Information

My ethos is to respect your needs and work together to drive towards your desired outcome. Every therapist will have their way of working because we all have our thoughts, theories and experiences. My nature and nurtured self can help you to discover (and rediscover) aspects of yourself that maybe, you didnt even know you had (or forgotten).
Theres an old Chinese proverb that I like reading ten thousand scrolls; rather walk ten thousand miles. When we search for answers, our first point is the internet or books but what we cant grasp from written literature, is the life experiences of interaction and blind spots. In my journeys, I have encountered and experienced many difficulties and I want to help you to overcome yours, through our interactions and finding your blind spots. My passion comes from deep within. It is only through talking and exploration, that one can begin to make sense of their feelings and find their cure.

Professional Membership

Registered Member MBACP

Professional Register

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)

Verified by Counsellingo on Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Initial Consultation

A journey of ten thousand miles begins with one step and this step begins with your initial contact.
Take that first step and get in contact. I offer an initial meeting of up to 30 minutes to elaborate and gauge a feel before you decide.


Individual sessions are 50 minutes and £65
Hypnotherapy sessions are 60 minutes and £95
Relationship therapy are 70 minutes and £95

When I Work

I work predominately online Tuesday - Friday, morning to evening. And in-person Saturdays and Mondays.

Therapeutic Approach

Psychodynamic and Existential

Additional Languages




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